Saturday, February 25, 2023

Group meeting!!


So today we met with groups so that we could reflect on each others progress and just how we're doing. I actually learned a lot with this group.

I told them about the fact that me and my partner got way ahead of ourselves and that we have to do a lot of research before we get into filming. I also explained the many problems that we had since we were in such a rush. 

They suggested a lot of things like researching more about the drama genre and movies that are similar to the idea I am doing. They also said that since it's an idea that has been done before, that I should make it more unique and out of the normal. To do that I need to make it weirder or more interesting, something that separates my movie from the others that could be just like it.

The people in my group also had some great ideas. My favorite one was Gabriella's that was about a girl that gets transported into her book. I had read a book about something similar a really long time ago so I recommended it to her in case it is able to help. I thought her idea was very creative and I am so exited to see what she does with this idea. Not only this but her blogs were perfect. I thought they were very well organized and also super pretty and pleasing to the eye. I'm probably going to end up copying her at some point just to make mine more interesting...

But overall I'm so happy I was able to meet with them because it actually helped and I also got to meet new people in my class.


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