The Brainstorming/Planning and Research of Music Marketing Project
Our process first started when all sat together and got each other's information. when we got our genre (country/bluegrass) we started listening to the songs and choosing which one would be best. At first we were going to pick the song that most of us already knew because it's really famous. After talking to Mrs. Stoklosa, we decided that we would do a more fun one that people usually wouldn't do because of how different it is. We listened to the entire song and learned the lyrics in order to be able to make the music video. We made a schedule of who is doing what and when everything is happening.
Once we had the idea of what to do in the music video, we started the storyboard. The storyboard helped us see our ideas physically so that all of us can be on the same page. We picked a date that everyone was available and decided on Friday. We went to Flanigan's since the ambience there is similar to the one we're trying to capture for the video. Since the video is telling a story, we had to make sure everything would work out. We were able to finish and we went home. Mariana edited the video while Samuel and Emilio worked on the research chart.
One of the challenges we faced was that we wanted to use the bar in Flanigan's but they don't allow people that are younger than 18 on the seats. Not only that but we also wanted to ask one of the bartenders to be in it for a little or at least let one of us behind the bar to act as the bartender. Since we weren't allowed we just used a table and I acted as the waitress instead of bartender.
Our next steps is to finish the powerpoint. We will have short bullet points so that we are able to expand with other knowledge that isn't written down. We're also going to practice our country accents so that we can present in character. We will come to school dressed up as cowboys and cowgirls in order to really get in the spirit of the country genre and the band we are representing.
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